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Seacoast's Largest Attraction Center!

Non Catered Group Rates & Info

Looking for a FUN night out or place to host an event with your friends or family? Hilltop Fun Center offers packages that make it easy. Enjoy unlimited attractions, great food, adult beverages and arcades – we have something for everyone!

Our Group Rate Pricing


# of Guests 3 Hour Event Additional Hours
Up to 25 People $545 Flat Rate $140 Flat Rate
26-74 Guests $21pp $6.50pp
75 & Up $20pp $5.50pp


FAQ’s are at bottom of page

*Can accommodate groups up to 200 guests,  ages 4 and up
*Indoor (80) and covered outdoor seating (140) available free of charge (first come, first serve)
*Multiple food, arcade and add on options available





  • 2 Go Kart Tracks (we have 4, we’ll pick the best two for your group)
  • Mini Golf
  • Laser Tag
  • 9 Batting Cages
  • Outside Covered seating for up to 160 guests (included in price)


3 Hour  and Additional Hours  Rates  (you will be asked
if you’d like to book more than 3 hours during booking process)
up to 25 guests: 545.00 flat rate >
Click here to book
26 to 74 guests: 21.00pp >
Click here to book
75 & up: 20.00pp >
Click here to book

 Additional hours for above rates
up to 25 guests: 140.00 flat rate
26-74 guests: 6.50pp
74 & up: 5.50.pp

If you have a smaller group and/or this is out of your budget, we have
other specials available, see our pricing page

  • Includes: 1  30 minute session: Three individual 5 minute Games
  • 20 arcade credits
  • 16 oz fountain drink per person

19.99/pp min 15 guests
(3 day advanced notice required and 50% non-refundable deposit) Prices subject to change with out notice. This package available during regular business hours with the exception of Friday and Saturday Nights from 6-9PM. If there is available space after your 1st reserved game, you can purchase additional sessions for $10.00pp.


PRIVATE LASER TAG You can rent our entire arena for just your group!

For $350.00, you get the entire arena to your group only. You will have your choice of what game mode to play. It’s up to a $960.00 value if you use all 32 vests.

Additional hours are just $125 each!!!

It’s your arena, you call the shots, we can change the game times, formats, etc.

All Arcade games can be turned on (not included)

Please call for availability

Group FAQ’s

  1. If the amount of guests change from what you reserved, your rate may or may not change. Current rates are:
    3 hr package
    up to 25 guests = flat rate of $495.00
    26-74 guests = $19.00pp
    75 and up = $18.00pp
    Additional Hours:
    up to 25 guests = flat rate of $125.00
    26 to 74 guests = $6.50pp
    75 and up = $5.50pp
  2. No outside food is allowed other than bagged type lunches without written consent from HFC Management Your confirmation will also state whether outside food
    is allowed. You are responsible for trash pick up. Anything more than normal will result in a $50 clean up fee
  3. *With this package, two our of our 4 go kart tracks are included. We pick the best two tracks based on the heights of the guests. If there are other groups at the same time or if we have additional staff, you may be able to use additional tracks. Do not expect this however, it is at the discretion of HFC Management.
  4. Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy:  We generally remain open in the rain.  All attractions with the exception of our “Slic Track” Go Kart Track  remain open in light rains. We may close any attraction in steady to heavy rains and storms. We will reopen them as soon as safely possible. There are no considerations for weather.  If more than 7 days notice is provided, we will either reschedule your event or issue a refund for the deposit.  If the weather looks questionable, we will contact you the day before to discuss. If it is decided that the event is going to be cancelled, we will issue an HFC Gift Card for the deposit.Methods of payment for groups are cash, credit
  5. *Late arrivals will not have their time extended automatically. It will be at the full discretion of HFC Management
  6. *Bus Drivers/Chaperones do not receive free or discounted wristbands. We recommend at least 50% of staff DO NOT participate in attractions.
  7. *If the person booking will not be here with their company/group, please make sure that those in charge are aware of our policies.
  8. *Please plan to arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to your reserved time in order to get all guests checked in.
  9. *All groups have free access to our outside group tent at no charge. It is first come, first serve. If we have a catered event at the same time, they will have exclusive access for their group as these events  pay for the space. We will make every effort to inform you beforehand.
  10. Prices/Times/Policies subject to change without notice